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Summer, Here It Comes!
June 8 sees a once in a lifetime combination of artists from Olymp rockin' the Spanish Ballroom in Tacoma, Washington.
Harry Smith centennial celebration!
May 29 is the one hundredth birthday of Harry Smith - - - film maker, archivist, painter, collector, poet, resident of the Chelsea Hotel and native of the Pacific Northwest.
Smoke M2D6, Quarantine Heart Throb!
The new Smoke M2D6 album Quarantine Heart Throb [KLP290] showcases the supple production skillz and raw rappin' expialidociousness that has earned Smoke M2D6 a rep as the purveyor of Northwest hip hop supreme.
BEAT HAPPENING albums, the way you want them!
People always ask about Beat Happening albums on vinyl.
Ribbon Stage tour Europe June 2023!
Ribbon Stage launch their first ever tour next month, in Europe and the United Kingdom.