Smoke M2D6
Mathew Smokovich, also known as Smoke M2D6, is a multi-talented and highly respected professional in the music industry. As a sought after Hip Hop producer, audio engineer and recording artist, Smoke M2D6 wears many hats- and wears them well.
Since the late 90's Smoke M2D6 has contributed his signature style of epic and evocative beats, poly-rhythmic rhyme schemes and technical audio wizardry to over 100 commercial releases, including production for legendary Hip Hop and R&B artists such as Talib Kweli, Gregory Isaacs, and Devin tha Dude to name a few. Smoke M2D6 instrumental beats appear regularly on MTV and were featured on "Loose Change: The 911 Conspiracy", the most watched internet video of all time.
Smoke M2D6's boundary-pushing musical production and Jedi-like audio engineering have earned him wide and enthusiastic artistic acclaim, as well as a host of awards including 2005 Red Bull 'Big Tune' Champion (Beat Battle in Seattle), and 2010 South Sound Producer of the Year (The Volcano, As an MC, Smoke M2D6 has toured the country, performing in all of the lower 48 states, and was one of the original founding members of Northwest super-crew OLDOMINION.
Smoke M2D6 produced the album All Your Friend's Friends [KLP255] for , a seminal Northwest Hip-Hop compilation album produced entirely off of samples pulled from the
catalogue. Featuring over 30 of the most unique MCs from the region including members of mega-crews OLDOMINION and the SANDPEOPLE, the album also introduces a host of hidden talent from OLYMPIA, WA —
’s sonic stomping ground.