Contact K
Thank you for your interest in . If you would like to get in touch with us, please choose your method of correspondence and we will do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible. Thanks!
Please note: We are not currently accepting demos.
(360) 786-1594
Mail via United States Postal Service:

Olympia, Wash.
98507 U.S.A.
Street address for UPS, Federal Express and other shipping services:
119 1/2 Capitol Way N. #9
Olympia, Wash
98501 U.S.A.
Email: General Questions
Email: Mail Order
Please note: The
Mail Order Dept. is only open Monday and Thursdays.

Please read this page before sending an email.
We will respond to you as quickly as we can.
Email: Promotion
All promo-related inquiries.