Feeling Figures, "Pour un Instant"!

Feeling Figures, "Pour un Instant"!

 Above:  Feeling Figures, in luscious high contrast black and white.


As their latest single, Feeling Figures re-imagine a much beloved anthem from their home town, Montreal, Quebec, "Pour un Instant." Originally recorded by Harmonium in the mid-'70s, the Feeling Figures version (sung in the original French) injects urgency and humor, creating a fun romp around - - - pop music that does not stop!

"Pour un Instant" is derived from the new Feeling Figures album Migration Magic [PRNL052/KLP294], the strongest debut by a Canadian pop combo this decade. Migration Magic hits immediately, and sinks in deeper with each listen. Feeling Figures beguile; you can't resist (why would you want to?)

Give a listen to other fab singles from the Feeling Figures album Migration Magic:

Feeling Figures, "Across the Line"

Feeling Figures, "Movement"