Invisible Shield is a compilation of work by artists. All tracks are culled from the individual artists' recent releases, except the Microphones song "Untitled", recorded live on their recent tour to Japan.
Invisible Shield is an unofficial and unassuming support network of artists, pals and mutual admirers. Invisible Shield is a loose and ill-defined process for creating and maintaining a community by interweaving the creative processes of an indeterminate number of kindred spirits. Invisible Shield is not a band.
Some of you may have noticed that for the last few years, the names of band members on many a releases cross-over and cross pollinate; Phil of the Microphones is the drummer in Old Time Relijun and produces some recordings by Wolf Colonel and Mirah; Mirah also sings and plays on records by Calvin Johnson, Dennis Driscoll and the Microphones; Kyle of Little Wings also sings and plays on the Microphones new album; Adam Forkner of [[[[VVRSSNN]]]], Yume Bitsu, and White Rainbow plays on records by Dub Narcotic Sound System and Wolf Colonel and produces recordings by both bands as well as Little Wings; Khaela Maricich of the Blow also records with Dennis Driscoll and has designed record covers for the Microphones and Mirah; and everyone tours with everyone else, plays and sings back-up and generally wrecks havoc at each others' shows. This phenomena is what we refer to as the Invisible Shield: a bunch of folks who follow their own artistic vision but who feed off the artistic energy of their compatriots. Although this kind of collaboration and mutual inspiration has been true at since its origins, the current regime has just left the kettle on high and turned the intimacy factor up to 11.
- Sabley Goodness
- Next Time
- Out of Time
- Bruise Blood
- The Democracy of Small Things
- Dear Mr. & Mrs. Troublemaker
- Part 8
- Recommendation
- Angel Gone
- Kettle
- Oh, Katrina
- Get the Hell Out of the Way of the Volcano
- Wings of Light
- Sarah Jane, part II
- The Most Delicious Part
- Love Will Come Back Again