Mecca Normal

Calico Kills the Cat [KLP004]

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This one's got it all: love, murder, hate, frying pans, jealousy, prison, bullets,
bonfires and a blue TV behind the Iron Curtain. Wordsmith Jean takes on the
world while guitar man David rocks 'n' rolls it. Calico Kills the Cat is
Mecca Normal’s second album, and first with K. Originally released in 1988,
Mecca Normal describes the album on the history page on their website:
Record Calico Kills the Cat in 2 days at Yo Yo Studios (a former chicken coop)
in Olympia with Calvin Johnson. Album artwork by Jean Smith.
David’s favorite songs on the album:One Woman’ because musically it revolves around two chords. One rises,
one falls. The struggle between the two worked perfectly with the lryic content:
one person's efforts for change.”
Calico Kills the Cat is now available in the digital realm for the first time.
This Mecca Normal album was the fourth full-length album on K.
Jean’s the one with ‘that voice’, a completely riveting presence that’s only more
powerful when backed solely by Lester’s guitar. Zero star potential, they’d sound
totally incongruous coming out of your radio, but so would Woody Guthrie, so
don’t worry about it.” – Gerard Cosloy, Conflict

The digital version of this album is available from Bandcamp