Mike Appelstein

Silent Command #5 fanzine

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The fifth issue of Mike Appelstein's (Writer's Block) fanzine, published spring, 2024. 28 pages, digest size, limited edition of 100. An excellent read!

An extended interview with Margarita Vasquez Ponte of the Shop Assistants, Fizzbombs, Jesse Garon & The Desperados and Rote Kapelle. She was at ground zero for a lot of the best Scottish indiepop of the '80s and early '90s. I've been wanting to interview her since that time, and am so thrilled she took the time to answer my questions; Also - - -

  •  Parsnip, an Austrailan quartet with a great new album out;
  •  Lightheaded, the Jersey Shore's answer to Vivian Girls and Aislers Set;
  •  The true story of Johnny D.A. and the Rockabilly Hamsters, and how we were gonged off the stage at our only performance;
  •  Physical Culture City, a resort of questionable repute that existed in my hometown in the late 1800s;
  •  Mike's favorite unsettling soft rock songs.