Hive Dwellers, The

Moanin' [KLP249]

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  • Regular price $20.00

On their second album, The Hive Dwellers make with a low, wailing expression of sorrow (or suffering). Moanin’ [KLP249] is a collection of field recordings made at Dub Narcotic Studio in Olympia, Washington. It’s a noisy pop runaway freight train that stirs the blues soul rockin’ of their debut album Hewn from the Wilderness[KLP241] to a new beat music recipe.

The Hive Dwellers’ Calvin, Gabriel and Evan have toured across the United States and left a wake of frug and shimmy shines that won’t be forgotten any time soon. You beat the tambourine to “Streets of Olympia Town” in Knoxville; stomped the floorboards to “Montgomery Hammer” in Buffalo; knocked a heady bongo to “Baby Be Mine” in Oakland.

C’mon, join in Moanin’ for a while.

The digital version of this album is available from Bandcamp.

  1. Baby Be Mine
  2. Streets of Olympia Town
  3. Ask You
  4. Love Will Come Back Again
  5. Your Kissing Me
  6. Moanin'
  7. Montgomery Hammer
  8. Lynch The Swan
  9. Love On The Wax
  10. Daughters Of The Revolution