Wayne R. Flower, new EP!

Wayne R. Flower, new EP!

 Above: Wayne R. Flower, Calvin Johnson and Scott Scmaljohn after a Treepeople show in Boise, ID


Wayne R. Flower, known for his work in K combos Treepeople and The Halo Benders, released his first solo recordings last week, a four song EP available on Bandcamp. These four songs are a preview of the upcoming Wayne R. Flower solo album You're the One You Love. The album's title song is one of the four songs on the EP, on which Wayne R. Flower plays all the instruments (well, with assist from Steve Fisk, keyboards and Doug Batchelder, electric guitar on another; mostly it is all Wayne R.)

The recordings have been conducted in Portland, Oregon by Studio Geordie, overseen by Geordie himself (also drummer of The Prids). The songs have then been transported to Arundel Studio in Tacoma, Washington, where co-producer Steve Fisk mixes up the magic in consultation with Wayne Flower. Yay. the system works, as one can hear at Wayne R.'s bandcamp site.

When Wayne R. was discussing this series of recordings with Steve Fisk last year,  Fisk observed, "Yeah, nobody's heard from you," meaning of the assorted Treepeople folk, Wayne is the only one who had not ventured out on his own. Says Wayne R. Flower, "In the beginning I wrote songs like most bass players or drummer, by throwing parts together. Slowly over time, I've become a songwriter." A few years ago Wayne joined the legendary Boise punk combo Commonauts and wrote three songs for their album Spud Eye. "When I heard my songs professionally recorded and with other musicians playing them, it inspired me to do this record."

Check into Wayne R. Flower's new four song EP HERE.