Ribbon Stage, European tour photogram!

Ribbon Stage, European tour photogram!

 Above: Ribbon Stage, strutting through Western Europe, June 2023.


by Jolie M-A


[Editor's note: What follows is a first hand account from the unprecedented European landing by Ribbon Stage, June of 2023, to present their latest LP Hit with the Most [PRNL045/KLP283]. "Unprecedented" in that no one saw Ribbon Stage coming - - then didn't want them ever to leave.]


Here are some photos taken by Jenna Beasley, the touring bassist of Ribbon Stage's summer jaunt to Europe:

Clutching onto spaghetti after the show in Antwerp Music City.

"The Cave" in Lille, France.

Laughing in Dijon.

 The gang with Rachel and Hester from Dolly Mixture outside of London.

Utrecht- walking to dBs.

Here is all of us with the phenomenal musician Ray Aggs on the last night of tour!