Above: Linus on the trap set, Dub Narcotic Studio, Olympia, Washington.
Linus is Linus. There is a certain playfulness, and a secret smile associated with all things Linus. Like any member of LAKE, Linus is a multi-instrumentalist. When she assumes the rhythm instruments bass and drums she displays an intuitive splendor that propels all in her wake.
What people know is there's a Linus song on each LAKE album. For some folks, that song is coincidentally their favorite song on the album. It's no coincidence. Linus has a subtle roar that tends to overshadow everything within a tail's length. The Linus song on LAKE's Let's Build a Roof [KLP213] is "Gravel" and the latest digital single is "Gravel (Single Mix)." You see, Linus had thorn in paw with the original and requested Nich Wilbur at The Unknown wave his magic wand, transforming "Gravel" into a horns-aplenty percussive anthem, Linus-approved. Now we quake to "Gravel (Single Mix)." Bask in it.
Maximum Linus.
Discover more Linus soundz through her collaboration with Greg Olin (Graves) and their Solid Home Life (PIAPTK) LP.
Above: LAKE, Let's Build a Roof [KLP213] is available on the long-playing (LP) phonograph record format April 19 - - - PRE-ORDER a copy today from The K Mail Order Dept.