Generifus new album Rearrangel!

Olympia Underground -

Generifus new album Rearrangel!

Olympia's Generifus got out the guitars and keyboards and created songs with wings and arrows. Cupid couldn't a done song singing and harp playing this moving, gong banging this delightful. The new Generifus album is called Rearrangel. It was co-released by two of the Northwest's most relevant underground record labels, Anything Bagel Records and Bud Tapes. Rearragel is Generifus on the go and broadcasting.

Earlier this month the Generifus live experience traversed the West Coast and are now planning a national sojourn. If they play your town, go! Charming and gemütlich, for realz.

Rearrangel. Going down the road and feeling good.

Above: Generifus, Rearrangel (Anything Bagel Records/Bud Tapes) LP.