fish narc, fruiting body shipping now!

Olympia Underground -

fish narc, fruiting body shipping now!

 Above: fish narc, as seen in the "Smoke Marijuana" video log.


The latest fish narc album fruiting body [KLP295] was released to the digital realm earlier last year. Now it is available as both a long-playing (LP) phonograph record and cassette tape at retail outlets across the globe. Here at The K Mail Order Dept. orders for both the fruiting body LP and cassette tape are shipping now.

Some have described fruiting body as "Poptones from beyond the laptop bedroom underground." Others note "fish narc's hybridizing of post punk with modern sound packs a well-seasoned punch to the contemporary palette." Either way, whether skating, gardening or cheesing, fruiting body is your post-modern soundtrack for all of life's multi-faceted delights.

On the official release day for fruiting body, January 12, fish narc hosted an album release party at the Le Voyeur (Olympia, Washington) featuring Horse Head, Physique, Cage World and Torment in Tyranny. Mass dancing ensued.

Above: fish narc hosts the fruiting body [KLP295] album release party at Le Voyeur, downtown Olympia, January 12.