Field School, A Familiar Fate!

Olympia Underground -

Field School, A Familiar Fate!

Above: the painting by Jimmy Ulvenes used as cover art for the new Field School cassette tape.


Olympia's untiring cassette cabal, Small Craft Advisory, has yet to cease offering up pop paroxysms. The downtown sound of Field School tumbles forth as the latest chapter in their never-ending fable. A Familiar Fate (Small Craft Advisory) is your new cassette pet!

As like all Field School cassette tapes before it, A Familiar Fate features a painting by Olympia artist Jimmy Ulvenes as cover art (see above photog). The Ulvenes art studio (and Small Craft Advisory HQ) is located in downtown Olympia across the hall from the K office on the top floor of the Labor Temple Building. When cornered, Jimmy admitted Charles Bee is recording an entire album of new Field School songs, to be shared with his adoring public at the appropriate time. Can't wait!

The  cover artist's (Jimmy Ulvenes!) own hand, holding the new Field School, A Familiar Fate (Small Craft Advisory) cassette tape.