Beat Happening on LP!

Beat Happening on LP!

At long last the six individual Beat Happening albums are available once again. What a treat. It's as if 100 summer days have been bottled up inside one guitar for too long and now burst forth with a primitive beat and back arching shriek. Drink my blood, fall in love, mess my head, naughty dread!

There's the first album, Beat Happening, originally released in 1985, now a double-wide selection of early seascapes & soundcasts. Then you've got your Jamboree (1988), which you will nail to the turntable with glee. What of Black Candy (1989), a molasses sticky wicket, stuck in your craw. Dreamy (1991) will keep you riding high, palms a' itchin'. Music to Climb the Apple Tree by completes your psychic rumblings and You Turn Me on (1992) is a "Godsend", rock, wood, skin and bone.

And now you, dear reader of the K News, may order them individually or en masse from The K Mail Order Dept. Yay. Yo've waited too long. Load up.