Arrington de Dionyso, Piano Trance series vol. 1: Saturn in Pisces!

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Arrington de Dionyso, Piano Trance series vol. 1: Saturn in Pisces!

Our Arrington de Dionyso has a new album out this week of his own piano compositions, Piano Trance Series Vol. 1: Saturn in Pisces. It being volume one implies there will be additional volumes forthcoming. This work is possibly improvised, as the album was "Recorded, mixed, mastered and released within one day to mark the auspicious entry of Saturn into Pisces, to ward off evil influence and exorcise demons!" Ya dig?

In the text accompanying the album Arrington states "very few people know this, but piano was actually the first instrument I ever played. I would sneak up to the piano after church and pound the keys until a responsible adult would remove me from the holy milieu. Maybe they only heard a child making noise, but I could hear rich symphonies of dancing dragons, rain storms, circus performers and talking trees." Cool. One can hear vestiges of these nascent symphonies in this, Arrington's first collection of piano forte recordings, made several decades after his initial introduction to the instrument. It is lively. It is bold. There are shadows and vulnerable moments. The tendency of improvisers is often to create music no one would ever actually want to listen to; not so here. Arrington draws forth instant songs vivid with the imagery that originally inspired him to the instrument. With this album he more successfully visits the subjects of his visual work than any of his previous musical incarnations. Pretty neat.

Arrington de Dionyso, Piano Trance Series Vol. 1: Saturn in Pisces is available on Bandcamp, and as a limited run CDR with poster.